I was gonna write about my awesome birthday and the awesome phone I got for my birthday!! But i was cleaning my, much needed, room and came across a paper I wrote back in 2007 and I thought I'd post it!!
She frowns. the reflection in the mirror doesn't please her. But it might get someones attention. Her black shirt's too tight, revealing and uncomfortable, but she won't change, even though she knows she should. She sighs sadly, feeling unsure. Maybe if she wears it, he'll notice her. And if he doesn't she'll find a way to make him.
The Biggest thing guys struggle with is where there eyes go. It's just the way God wired them. While I respond to kind words and a gentle touch, guys respond to what they see. When I walk into a room wearing a shirt that's a bit to low, my skirt too small or my stomach shows when i raise my arms, I'm not helping the guys who see me. I'm harming them.
I know that I can attract certain guys with the clothes I wear. Usually, the girl whose modesty is lacking is surrounded by guys who treat her with disrespect . The fact is I'm sending messages with the clothes I wear. A low-cut shirt says, "Hey, look at my body!" and attracts a guy who does just that. But a modest outfit says, "I'm saving something special." And the guys who are serous about guarding their purity will notice my modesty. It gives me depth and mystery, and they'll see my character rather than my body.
It's what guys will see when I choose to cover up. When I walk into a room wearing a flattering shirt that conceals my top, he'll see my smile. Instead of my midriff showing, my sparkling eyes will catch his glimpse. And he's thinking, "Wow, there's something special about her. She's not looking for attention, but she's caught mine." That's the kind of girl I want to be. And that's the kind of guy I want to attract. But, "I say, "what if I don't catch his attention, or he doesn't notice me?" He may not. But if I've found my security in the Lord, it won't even matter. And I won't need to dress thinking I can make him. I can but my trust in God who, in the right time, will bring me the guy I desire.
One of the main reasons I may wear a revealing shirt or act in ways to gain attention can be summed up in one word: INSECURITY. It's that little voice inside my head that says, Do you notice me? Am I pretty? Will you love me? I've heard those doubts in my head many times.The problem is, through my actions and appearance, I'm directing those unspoken questions to the people around me, whose response may disappoint me. I need to direct those questions to God who after hearing me ask, responds with a, "Yes!" And God's response is enough. I need to change my thinking(and the kinds of clothes i wear) from, "Look at me!" to "Look at Christ in me!" And with changed thinking comes changed actions. That's were my security should come from.
She feels beautiful when she looks in the mirror. A confidence rises in her chest, and she nods her head at the feeling. She knows how much God loves her, and that's enough to hold her head high. the clothes she wears give her confidence. She knows she's saving the details of her heart for someone special. The security she's gained from God helps her act in ways that brings glory to Him. "Am I beautiful?" she smiles when she hears the whispered answer in her heart. "Yes, my child!"
Friday, April 17, 2009
Am I Beautiful?
Posted by Brooke at 8:01 AM 6 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
My Life
Ok so, wow! It has been forever since I've written anything!!
Not a lot has really been going on in my life except school and babysitting! I haven't been ice skating cause they took the ice off for 2 months to play soccer, which is the pits.
I know my mom likes to just stay home all the time and that's fine because she's a mom but i don't. I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "Brooke, you just need to be content with your life", but, I'm sorry, I'm not content with doing school for 4 hours everyday and staring at a computer screen basically the rest of the day! Is it wrong to, impatiently, can't wait till I'm 18??
Ok so, that is pretty much all that is on my mind and all that i can think to write about! I need to get my school done too.
p.s. 9 more days till my birthday!!!!
Posted by Brooke at 10:07 AM 3 comments